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ICGTD 2024

Review Procedure

  1. All manuscripts will be sent via the system at the link: https://edas.info.
  2. The submitted manuscript is first reviewed by an editor. It will be evaluated whether it is suitable for our conference focus and scope.
  3. Manuscripts that have passed the selection process from the committee will be selected as those with the potential to be published in journals, and offered to the editor-in-chief of the collaborating journal.
  4. If the editor chief agrees, the committee will send an email to the author that the manuscript has been selected for publication in the journal to request the author’s approval. If the author agrees, the author will adjust the manuscript to the journal template and submit it to the journal concerned for the next review process.
  5. If the editor chief does not agree with the manuscript or the manuscript rejected, it will be returned to the committee and will be processed by conference reviewers selected by the conference committee.
  6. All papers that comply the submission guidelines will be peer reviewed and assessed based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, topic of interests, conference relevance, contributions, and readability. Acceptance of articles will be informed to authors via email. The authors of accepted articles will be able to make changes based on the reviewer’s suggestion and submit final camera-ready manuscripts by the required deadline.
  7. Each manuscript submitted will be independently reviewed by at least two (2) reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area in a double-blind peer-review process.
  8. Submitted manuscript will be evaluated based on full paper, including Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, as well as appropriate references.
  9. During the process at this conference, the level of plagiarism will also be checked using iThenticate software with standards below 20%. The editor will reject manuscripts that do not meet the standards or will send the manuscript to reviewers for a review process if these are deemed appropriate.
  10. The decision for acceptance, amendment, or rejection is based upon reviewer’s comments/recommendations and made by the Editor.
  11.  Authors are suggested to address all reviewer’s report and improved in the revised paper.
  12. Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the Conference’s submission system not more than two weeks from the email notification.